Quality of Service in a Hotel Company in Cancun, Mexico

  • Luis Alberto Cárdenas León Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán
  • Olivia Jiménez Diez Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán
  • Jennifer Mul Encalada Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán
Keywords: quality of service, competitiveness, customer satisfaction


Currently, quality is a guarantee that tourists seek in the services they receive. Therefore, hotels must pay attention to more and better strategies and thus improve service through quality and the search for competitiveness. The three-star hotel located in the city of Cancun, Quintana Roo, which was the object of analysis for this study, did not know the satisfaction of its clients and the perception of the quality of its service. Knowing this, the objective of this work was to determine the perception of its clients in terms of five dimensions of service quality: Tangible elements, Reliability, Response capacity, Trust and Empathy, in order to identify areas of opportunity for the hotel. The results showed that the quality of the service is at a good level. The dimensions of Reliability, Responsiveness and Trust were the best evaluated by the clients; the Empathy dimension shows a polarization regarding the perception of the service, and the Tangible elements dimension is at a regular level. It is expected that with the results obtained it will be possible to work on appropriate strategies to achieve the quality levels required for hotels in their category.


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