The Influence of Academic Motivation on Learning English as a Second Language

  • Abril de la Cruz González Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
  • Eleazar Morales Vázquez Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
Keywords: learning, fear of failure, motivation, academic motivation, second language


In the Mexican context there is no significant amount of research on motivation in learning a second language at the higher level, this relevant fact led to research on this topic. This article was carried out with the main objective of determining the level of academic motivation in 25 students of the Bachelor's Degree in Languages at the Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco (UJAT); the secondary objective was to relate academic motivation with the final average of the students in the subject of English I and thus to know the influence of that in this last item, the average. This research was conducted in a Mexican context, specifically in the state of Tabasco. It is a quantitative study of correlational scope. The data collection instrument was the questionnaire "Motivation towards learning or towards performance" (MAPE-II). The results show that 60 % of the students are in level two of academic motivation. Similarly, it was found that students showed a high capacity for scholastic achievement. In conclusion, students have the need for recognition, they tend to have every activity or goal achieved well recognized, which drives them to want to be better and better, and this is a factor provided by the motivation that each student possesses.


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