Overview of the global distribution of class 1 integrons carrying metallo-β-lactamases

  • Alma López García Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
  • Alejandro César Ruiz Tagle Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
Keywords: mobile genetic elements, cassette genes, antimicrobial resistance


Antibiotic resistance is an increasingly serious global health problem. Bacteria have been able to confront the evolutionary challenge and resist antimicrobial chemotherapy, often acquiring pre-existing resistance determinants from the bacterial genetic pool, such as insertion sequences, transposons, plasmids, integrons, among others. Integrons act as a reservoir of cassette genes, primarily in gram-negative bacteria associated with mobile genetic elements, leading to the spread of antimicrobial resistance among commensal and/or pathogenic bacteria, posing a serious global threat. This study aims to understand the worldwide spread of class 1 integrons carrying metallo-β-lactamases. An in silico search was conducted by analyzing data from the "Integrall Database." The results revealed 30 different species of gram-negative bacilli carrying class 1 integrons, with non-fermenting gram-negative bacilli and Enterobacterales predominating. There was also a high prevalence of two families of metallo-β-lactamases, IMP and VIM. Metallo-β-lactamases in class 1 integrons were found distributed across all five continents, reinforcing that the problem of resistance to β-lactams, including carbapenems mediated by enzymes, is a global issue. This has resulted in real complications for public health worldwide, dramatically impacting morbidity, mortality, and healthcare costs.


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