Media frames on artificial intelligence (AI) in the health field

  • Edith Molina Carmona Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla


Media framings refer to a theoretical perspective from which interpretative frameworks can be identified and recognized, in which aspects of reality are emphasized or excluded within media content. Under this approach, health and artificial intelligence (AI) issues are often "framed" under arguments that may be favorable only to certain groups. Therefore, the objective of this work is to analyze the framing that is being given about AI in the field of public health in the online media in Spanish, in order to recognize the level of information that is being provided to the population in the face of the irruption of artificial intelligence in their health care and the distrust that it generates in some population groups.

The theoretical-methodological proposal used is that of frame building, which consists of focusing on the contents of online newspapers, leaving aside the possible effects. The technique used is a content analysis of the prevailing frameworks with emphasis on the personal or collective consequences of the use of AI, the attribution of responsibilities to various actors, the presentation of AI as a threat or an opportunity, as well as the emotions or values associated with it.


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