The importance of motivation in the learning of elementary school students

  • Daniela del Carmen Aguirre Leal Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
  • Doris Laury Beatriz Dzib Moo Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco


This article focuses on the importance of motivation in the learning of basic level students, it is essential due to various reasons as to how it significantly impacts academic performance, since motivated students usually show greater commitment to the learning process, which translates into better results in their studies. Furthermore, motivation influences the way in which students engage with the study material, showing greater persistence, effort and attention, which contributes to a more understandable understanding of everything learned.

The instrument used to collect data in the research was a systematic documentary review, which consisted of the search, selection and analysis of relevant academic literature on the learning motivation of primary education students. As a result, it is important to promote strategies that boost the motivation and commitment of students in their learning, since motivation is the key drive of the educational process. Although it depends on several factors, its existence is essential to achieve successful and enriching learning.


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